‘Star Trek: Discovery’: Anson Mount Reveals What Spock Can Learn From Captain Pike

Star Trek: Discovery Season Two will reintroduce several classic Star Trek characters. These include Ethan Peck as Spock and Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike, Spock’s commanding officer aboard the USS Enterprise.

Speaking to Digital Spy, Mount explained Pike’s relationship with Spock what it is he believes Mount has to teach Spock.

“For me, at least, what I had imagined and brought to our first scene together, which was that he was almost like an older brother,” Mount said. “Not a father figure, but maybe so. Because Sarek can only teach logic to Spock and that’s what kind of ends up creating this trauma in him, is not being able to reconcile his logic and emotion. I think for me, going into it, I chose Pike to be this beacon of humanity and human role model.”

This younger version of Spock still has a ways to go before he becomes the Spock that fans are familiar with as First Officer under Captain Kirk, as Discovery showrunner Alex Kurtzman has previously explained.

“What gets me so excited about the story that we get to tell with Spock this season is that it’s the unwritten chapter of Spock,” Kurtzman said. “This is not the Spock that you know from the beginning of TOS, this is pre-TOS. He is not that formed Vulcan yet. His experience with the Red Angel and the signals has fried his logical brain. He cannot make sense of it. And he is emotionally ill-equipped to deal with it. So both logic and emotion are failing him, totally. And he is totally unsure of himself and trying to figure out how to make sense of the mystery and where he fits into the world. And it’s through his complicated relationship with his sister that he’s able to figure out how to become and actualize himself as the Spock that we know from TOS. And that’s really exciting to us because it in no way violates canon, it just builds on what’s been set before.”

What do you think of Pike and Spock coming to Star Trek: Discovery? Let us know how you feel in the comments section!


The first season of Star Trek: Discovery is available to stream in its entirety on CBS All Access in the U.S., through CraveTV in Canada and through Netflix in other international markets.

Star Trek: Discovery Season Two is now filming in Toronto and will premiere on CBS All Access on January 17, 2019.

Source: https://comicbook.com/startrek/2018/10/23/star-trek-discovery-spock-pike-relationship/

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