10 sci-fi and fantasy books you must pick up in November

Some months are really strong for new release science fiction and fantasy, while other months it feels like many publishers have completely forgotten there are SFF readers other than straight white men out there. Happily, November is one of those months where there’s a glut of books to choose from.

On a personal note, I’m on maternity leave starting…well, now, pretty much, but I’ve pre-written this column through February, so you’ll still be getting my sci-fi and fantasy book picks each month. I really hope to get some reading done while I’m at home, but I have no illusions about how much free time I will actually have (basically zero). Still, it’s nice to imagine!

Source: https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/10-sci-fi-and-fantasy-books-you-must-pick-up-in-november

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